James Clerk Maxwell

  • 网络詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦;詹姆斯克拉克麦克斯韦;克斯韦尔;斯韦
James Clerk MaxwellJames Clerk Maxwell
  1. When Science was born , in1880 , James Clerk Maxwell had died just the year before , after successfully explaining light , electricity , magnetism , and heat .


  2. " Arose from the work of Michael faraday , James Clerk maxwell , Heinrich hertz , Guglielmo marconi , and others "


  3. The discovery was made using several telescopes , including NASA 's Spitzer and Hubble space telescopes and the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope and Subaru Telescope in Hawaii .


  4. His genius lay in how he transformed previous work by scientists like Henri Poincar é and Hendrik Lorentz into a new , unified theory , one that removed the friction between Newtonian physics and James Clerk Maxwell 's theory of light .


  5. Though guys like James Clerk Maxwell , Nikola Tesla , and Thomas Edison all made important contributions to the development of radio technology , it was Guglielmo Marconi who built a wireless system capable of transmitting signals at long distances in 1895 .
